The Corporate Council is a unique partnership opportunity – showcasing a commitment to collaboratively identify and address the needs of people with epilepsy globally.
The Council is composed of a select group of leading companies committed to the cause of epilepsy; by meaningfully engaging with people with epilepsy and their representatives. Members in 2024/2025 are Angelini, Jazz, Sanofi, Stoke, Takeda and UCB.
Membership is by invitation only, but expressions of interest can be submitted.
Guiding Principles
- Driven by the needs of people with epilepsy
- Independent and Neutral (IBE)
- Collaborative and Non-Competitive
- Jointly Accountable and Collectively Responsible
- Active and Engaged
- Transparent, Inclusive, and Diverse
- Impact Oriented
Why a Corporate Council? Benefits for IBE
- Insight into pipelines and priorities of companies working in the epilepsy space to inform strategic direction and annual work plans
- Route to amplify the voice of people with epilepsy in relevant R&D pathways, ensuring research is designed with the perspectives of people with epilepsy in mind
- Opportunity to access expertise in the research, medical, and regulatory space
- Protecting resources by bringing companies together in one place, rather than exhausting a limited pool of expert patients to engage with companies individually
- Platform for working, stronger and faster, in partnership, on areas of mutual interest for a common cause
- Source of support for ongoing IBE projects and activities, contributing to organisational sustainability
Why a Corporate Council? Benefits for Members
- Opportunity to collaboratively raise awareness of epilepsy, in partnership with IBE – the only global voice for people with epilepsy; with almost 160 chapters in over 110 countries worldwide.
- Possibilities to inform and shape policy, advocacy, and capacity-building initiatives to create an ecosystem in which the burden of epilepsy is recognised and resourced accordingly.
- Access to the perspectives of people with epilepsy globally – which can be used to inform R&D, regulatory and reimbursement processes, etc., including the possibility to aggregate and generate powerful intelligence.
- Early engagement to simplify compliance barriers and overcome bureaucratic internal processes, by priority-setting and co-creating from the outset.
- Platform to showcase commitment to collaboratively identify and address the needs of people with epilepsy globally; leading to enhanced Corporate Social Responsibility and increased visibility across the epilepsy community