African Regional Committee
The African Regional Committee is the second largest IBE region, which has grown steadily since 2000. IBE now has chapters in 22 countries in the region but, with a total of 58 countries in Africa, there remain enormous gaps to be filled. The African continent has a population of over 1.2 billion, as compared to 750 million in Europe, giving an estimated minimum epilepsy prevalence of 12 million. The true figure is likely to be significantly higher.
Every IBE chapter in Africa is a Member of the Regional Committee Africa with its elected Regional Executive Committee overseeing activities in the region, in line with its Terms of Reference, which you can find here.
Mission of the IBE Africa Regional Committee
To work together with interested parties in order to improve the quality of life of people with epilepsy in Africa.
Regional Committee Goals
- To establish communication network between countries in order to exchange information related to epilepsy service provision.
- To support existing initiatives in the epilepsy field which can be applied to other countries or regions through a process of skills transfer.
- To promote the sustainability and accessibility of services for people with epilepsy.
- To promote the human rights and dignity of people with epilepsy.
- To support and encourage research into epilepsy in Africa.
- To promote greater participation of Africans in global epilepsy affairs.
Flagship Programmes
- A Star for Africa – Support through the epilepsy movement for African participation in global affairs.
- BAND project to provide IBE chapters in Africa with the tools to develop and execute country-specific national action plans to address the WHO Resolution on Epilepsy WHA68.20: Global burden of epilepsy and the need for coordinated action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications.
- IBE chapter membership recruitment – Promoting and assisting with the formation of Chapters in the Africa Region.
Elected Regional Executive Committee 2021 – 2025
Youssouf Noormamode
Sharlene Cassel
South Africa
Betty Nsachilwa
Kur Ezekiel
South Sudan
Kenneth Nsom
Abraham Ntshalintshali
Zeinab Kone