Western Pacific Regional Committee
The Regional Executive Committee for the Western Pacific Region consists of the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, all of whom have been elected by the Full Members in the Western Pacific Region.
The IBE President, Secretary General and Treasurer are also ex-officio non-voting members of this committee.
The purpose of the Regional Executive Committee is to facilitate joint activities in the region and to arrange regular meetings of the Regional Committee.

Elected Regional Executive Committee 2021 – 2025

Hung Tak Fung (Anchor)
Hong Kong SAR China

Chris Dougherty

Dr Sherrini Bazir Ahmad
Co-Opted Members
Chou Meng-leo (Taiwan)
Sherman Goh (Singapore)
Daphne Cheung (Hong Kong SAR China)
Co-Opted Advisors
Zhou Dong (China)
Lim Kheng Seang (Malaysia)
Derrick Chan (Singapore)