Epilepsy Africa News – Issue 7
Contents of this Newsletter: Report from Zambia Funding and fundraising for the region WHO resolution poster Click here to read the newsletter
Contents of this Newsletter: Report from Zambia Funding and fundraising for the region WHO resolution poster Click here to read the newsletter
Contents of this Newsletter: Report from Zambia Call for committee members Call for chapter reports Research carried in Africa: conclusions Poster for self-evaluation Click here to read the newsletter
Contents of this Newsletter: New year messages from Chairperson & Secretary Call for young person to join AREC Epilepsy day 2017 activities Welcome Lesotho Advocacy poster Click here to read the newsletter
Contents of this Newsletter Chapters spotlight Kenya and South Africa Onchocerciasis meeting report by Anthony Zimba, IBE Treasurer Interview with Lungelo Dube, Swaziland Opportunities and resources for associations Photos Read the Newsletter
Contents of this Newsletter Introducing the Alliance for Right – Africa Disability Inclusion (ARADI). Swaziland Epilepsy Organization hosts epilepsy run/walk. Minutes of a meeting of African delegates at the IEC in Barcelona. Photos; Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mauritius & OAE2017. Resources and weblinks. Poster-different names of epilepsy. IBE Photo competition Read the Newsletter
Contents: Message from Youssouf Noormande, outgoing Chairperson Message from Jacob Mugumbate, incoming Chairperson Know your new committee members Notes from the General Assembly Congress highlights Resources Social media contacts Download the Newsletter
Contents: Epilepsy in Africa: is there a sustainable way forward Epilepsy Week in Zimbabwe and visit by Mr. Zimba Namibia & SA celebrate their 2 epilepsy days Proposed ILAE commission for Africa Epilepsy Clinics: challenges in Africa Overcoming epilepsy: Dan from Uganda tells his story Executive Committee meeting: Focus on Zambia Download the Newsletter
Mind Your Rights was first published in April 2014 by Youth on the Move. Mind Your Rights! is first and foremost an educational and informational tool on epilepsy, both as a medical condition and its socio-economic and cultural impacts. It provides information on the care framework (or its inadequacy); institutional and normative, available in Kenya. In doing so, it gives information on the medical and other care institutions for persons with epilepsy which largely remain hospitals and other medical facilities in the country. It also gives the legal and policy framework that governs issues of epilepsy in Kenya - both local and international. It does this by outlining the laws and policies touching on epilepsy, primarily the CoK 2010. It appropriately personifies epilepsy by presenting the day to day challenges that a person with epilepsy faces in Kenya on a constant basis; information which is critical not only for those affected by the condition directly but also those who are indirectly - which as it successfully shows, is everyone. DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE HERE 1st floor, New Life Christian Church Building Birongo Square, Nairobi West P.O. Box 20689 - 00100 Nairobi - Kenya Tel: +254 (20)605723 Fax: +254 (20)605723 E-mail: [email protected] © [...]