IE News: Issue 1 – 2014

Download Issue 1 - 2014 CLICK HERE In This Issue: IE News: Issue 1 – 2014 CAPE TOWN 2014 Looking back on a great congress INTERNATIONAL EPILEPSY DAY IS ANNOUNCED! International Epilepsy Day, a joint initiative of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) is set to be launched in 2015. ECS IN SCOTLAND: The voice and vision for change A report by Alanna Parker, ECS Chair EFNA UPDATE European Federation of Neurological Associations - General Assembly SMART MONITORS HELP END SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Isn't it alway the way? You wait ages for a bus and then two come along together. So it is with two great stories about seizure monitors: one from the US and the other from Australia. NEWS FROM EUROPE The European Union tells pharmaceutical industry to "lobby better" in Member States. Epilepsy Manifesto for MEPs AN UNFORGETTABLE VISIT TO CHILE Report submitted by Dr Ding Ding YES for success In Australia, The Epilepsy Centre's youth programme has been designed to realise our vision to see young people thrive in life despite living with epilepsy. The overall programme has a broad focus comprising numerous individual programmes that are founded on extensive research and [...]

2017-02-18T13:07:29+00:00July 27th, 2014|

IE News : Congress Issue (2nd AEC Cape Town)

To celebrate the 2nd African Epilepsy Congress, which took place in Cape Town from 22nd to 25th May, IBE produced a special edition of its news magazine. The focus of the magazine is on Africa - the activities of IBE in the region and the work of IBE members associations across the continent. Click here to download the magazine. IE News : Congress Issue (2nd AEC Cape Town)

2017-02-18T13:07:28+00:00June 2nd, 2014|

IE News: Issue 4 – 2013

The big event, so far this year, was European Epilepsy Day and we have an extended report on activities both in the European Parliament and in countries across the continent. There are some very inventive ideas that you might like to borrow from for your own association! [/one_third] Life on the High Seas is adventure in itself, but, when you have epilepsy such a voyage can make a particular impact - as it did for some young Italian novice sailors last summer as they took to the seas sailing  around the coast of Italy and the Mediterranean.[/two_third] Paola Testori Coggi, Director General for Health and Consumers, European Commission tells us about a new EU Directive that will see EU citizens having the right, not just to decide where in Europe they would like to be treated, but, to be reimbursed for costs. While at WHO, Dr Margaret Chan launches the Mental Health Action Plan. For this issue, I must leave you on a sad note, as we mark the passing of Harry Meinardi, a former IBE President, who also served as IE News editor. Harry may have left this world just before Christmas but his legacy will carry on. I wish you happy reading. Ann Little Editor [...]

2017-02-18T13:07:03+00:00March 14th, 2014|

mhGAP Newsletter December 2013

WHO Responds To Mental Health In Emergencies IN THIS ISSUE WHO responds to mental health in emergencies Partners commit to Mental Health Action Plan G8 Summit on Dementia: No time to waste mhGAP training can change lives Epilepsy: Treat it. Defeat it. From attention to action: improving services for autism MiNDbank ... mental health information at your fingertips  

2017-02-18T13:06:56+00:00January 13th, 2014|

IE News: Issue 3 – 2013

In This Issue: IE News: Issue 3 – 2013 Caravans for epilepsy Charlie - the gentle giant 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee for South East Asia 63rd session of the Who Regional Committee for Europe 64th session of the Who Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Congress A visit to Vilnius Latin American epilepsy day / Día Latinoamericano de la Epilepsia Improving quality of life in Mongolia State of the art epilepsy centre opens in Scotland Epilepsy Advocacy Europe Getting ready for European Epilepsy Day 2014 IBE rejoins the European Federation of Neurological Associations Kind regards, Ann Little Editor CLICK  HERE TO READ NEWSLETTER 

2017-02-18T13:06:55+00:00January 6th, 2014|

IE News: Issue 2 – 2013

Welcome to the latest issue of IE News - the first issue under the wings of the new International Executive Committee and also the first issue for me as Editor. I have big shoes to fill and I hope that I can do justice to what has served as the voice of IBE for the past 50 years. There is certainly no shortage of news to relate - from the latest projects to be funded under the Promising Strategies Program, to a look back at the 30th International Epilepsy Congress in Montreal and the 13th European Conference on Epilepsy & Society in Ljubljana. IE News: Issue 2 – 2013 In addition, we have the final installment of Harry Meinardi's history of IBE as seen through IBE's newsletter - which has been a very interesting account of IBE's development. We also bring you a report from the Management Committee's visit to China when we had the opportunity to attend the 5th China International Epilepsy Forum. And there's plenty more, besides, for you to enjoy! I wish you happy reading. Ann Little Editor CLICK  HERE TO READ NEWSLETTER 

2017-02-18T13:06:51+00:00November 12th, 2013|

IE News: Issue 1 – 2013

IE News 50 Years In Print! When the late George Burden sat down to compose the first issue of the Bureau Newsletter, in the early days of January 1963, he did so on what was then “state of the art” equipment - a Remington manual typewriter. Corrections were made using a blue pen. Since that initial publication, IE News has continued to move with the times and IE News is now published both in print and online. IE News: Issue 1 – 2013 In this issue of IE News, you can review the newly elected members of the seven regional committees.  Along with Part 5 of the History of the ILAE, highlights from the third European Epilepsy Day, reports on events from China, Russia, the Netherlands,  and Ellie the Epiphant (and a trunkful of events in Hong Kong!), there is a fascinating article about International Epilepsy News spanning the years 1963 - 2013 including a reproduction of the very first formal Newsletter of IE News. Click to view Newsletter

2017-02-18T11:53:15+00:00July 2nd, 2013|

Issue 4 – 2012

This issue of the magazine demonstrates that time never stands still and that life rushes by at an incredible speed, so that, what is news one day suddenly becomes history! First of all, although we are already in the second month of 2013, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. The articles that we have for you this time are a great mix of the old and the new. Looking back, Harry Meinardi presents us with another excellent installment of the history of IBE. In this, the 7th installment, we have now reached the 1980’s. In the report on congress awards for Montreal, we can see the many decades dedicated by the recipients to improving treatment and care for people with epilepsy. No less so than Dr Juhn Wada, who has spent a life-long career working in the field. Issue 4 – 2012 Looking forward, we present the recently elected members of the next International Executive Committee, who will begin their terms of office at the General Assembly in June. I send each one my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the next four years. More future activities are the meetings and congresses that you can read [...]

2017-02-18T11:52:56+00:00March 4th, 2013|

Issue 3 – 2012

The third issue of IE News 2012 celebrates the 7th Latin American Epilepsy Congress that will be held in November 2012 in the beautiful city of Quito, Ecuador. A report on some of the recent activities of our member associations in Latin American countries is a highlight of the magazine, with a specially extended version (in Spanish) for delegates attending the congress in Quito. Also in this issue, we will continue with the ILAE and IBE history and now it is the turn for Ted Reynolds, who will provide us with the next chapter, just like a novel, of ILAE’s history. We are including reports about interesting initiatives developed in Hong Kong and in Australia. After a break and due force majeure, we also will inform you about the redesigned IBE website; we invite you to visit it. IBE President Mike Glynn’s graduation with a Masters Degree in Epilepsy Services from Leeds Metropolitan University is a reason for pride, as is the Diploma in Epilepsy Care awarded to African Vice President Anthony Zimba, also in Leeds. Issue 3 – 2012 We also congratulate our Executive Director, Ann Little on receiving an ILAE-CEA award in London In addition we will inform you [...]

2017-02-18T11:52:24+00:00November 21st, 2012|

Issue 2 – 2012

Dear readers The second issue of IE News 2012 presents us with information on nine of the Promising Strategy projects funded this year. These are in the Latin American, South East Asian and Western Pacific regions. The last issue reported on the 11 initiatives to receive funding in Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and European regions. The Promising Strategy Program is one of the most successful IBE initiatives of the last five years. Also in this number, Harry Meinardi will delight us with his IBE historical viewpoint, bringing us closer to the current time as he reviews the period 180-1981. From Korea we have an interesting report on the work undertaken by epilepsy associations to change the epilepsy term. Dr Byung-In Lee writes about what has being carried out to date in Korea and opens an interesting controversy. Shung-Lon Lai, IBE Vice President in the Western Pacific Region will tell us his news about his trip to Laos. We are also happy to present you with a report on the 1st African Epilepsy Congress, which was held in late June in Nairobi, with a great success and attendance. We have news stories from Canada, Italy and Malta and Dr Ichiro Tatsumi writes about [...]

2017-02-18T11:51:23+00:00September 15th, 2012|
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