Issue 3 – 2009

Dear friends, This issue of IE-News is going to have a special flavour as we look back at the very successful congress in Budapest. This was a time of great activity as IBE reached the end of a term of office during the General Assembly on 1st July. We also had the opportunity during the Opening Ceremony to make a special presentation to the International League Against Epilepsy to mark the 100th birthday celebrations of ILAE. This issue is full of photos to remind us of the congress. Dr Tomás Mesa is an expert in epilepsy and disability and we have a special report that he has prepared about this difficult issue. We also include a report on an important Latin American Regional Workshop that took place in Santiago de Chile and which involved the PAHO regional offices. The workshop addressed the topic of organic brain disability, of which epilepsy as one of the three most relevant causes, with emphasis on rehabilitation and job placements. Issue 3 - 2009 From Europe comes significant news on a new Directive on Driving of the European Union, which will see common regulations come into place for all IBE Member States. Although the Directive relates [...]

2017-02-18T11:49:02+00:00July 29th, 2009|

Issue 2 – 2009

Dear Friends Welcome to the lovely city of Budapest. You are going to find the usual interesting IE News content in this magazine included in your congress bag. We have recent reports from conferences in India and Zambia as well as a report on the work of the Association Marocaine contre l’Epilepsie, IBE’s Full Member in Morocco. So we continue with our commitment to inform you about the main activities of our Members. There is also a report related to the launch in Argentina of the first Epilepsy Law in favor of people with epilepsy in the Latin American region. Issue 2 - 2009 We have completed another relevant issue: IBE has finalised the election process of our new Regional Executive Committees. Therefore, I would like to welcome the newly elected members of these committees, both new and re-elected members, to our big family. We wish you the greatest success and best of luck for the next 4 years. Another important and topical item is the inclusion of tips and ideas on what to see and do during your stay in Budapest. Finally, Susanne Lund has prepared an article to highlight the importance of the IBE-ILAE partnership in celebration of the [...]

2017-02-18T11:48:58+00:00July 28th, 2009|

Issue 1 – 2009

Dear Friends, We have now moved to 2009 and in the first issue of the year we are including exciting information on the names of those selected to receive the IBE/ ILAE congress awards, at the end of June, during the Opening Ceremony of the 28th International Epilepsy Congress, in Budapest. It is always important and necessary to recognize the vital contributions of volunteers, all over the world, who devote their time and expertise in order to help people with epilepsy. Maybe it is a little unfair to give an award only to few of these worthy people, but they represent, somehow, all of you. One award that will remain secret until the IBE General Assembly is the winner of the Volunteer Award and I hope that many of you will be able to attend the assembly to hear this announcement. Issue 1 - 2009 Besides that, we have a report from Brazil on the issue of AEDs and generic substitution; a celebration of the artistic achievements of persons with epilepsy around the world; and an interesting article submitted by Dr Amza Ali from Jamaica on suggestions to coordinate the creation of an ILAE chapter and an IBE member at the same time, in [...]

2017-02-18T11:48:49+00:00April 17th, 2009|

Issue 4 – 2008

In this issue we include a report on employment training from Italy, an extensive report on the EUCARE session in Marseille and an article about an important initiative in Australia, the Parliamentary Friends for Epilepsy. With the election of the International Executive Committee now completed, we can introduce you to the new incoming committee and we also provide information on the ongoing Regional Elections, including an updated list of IBE Members by region. I am also happy to include a report from the Latin American Regional Executive Committee. We are delighted to receive, as one of our expert column contributors, an article presented by Prof Nico Moshé, giving us some clues about the importance of basic research in the field of epilepsy. We feel extremely honoured to having Prof Moshé contribute to the magazine, as he is the recently elected incoming President of ILAE for 2009-2013. Issue 4 - 2008 We also include early details of planned IBE activities at the International Epilepsy Congress in Budapest in June. This will be a special congress with ILAE celebrating its centenary. Finally, as usual, Susanne Lund has provided us with her nice President’s Letter. Click here to download the newsletter.

2017-02-18T11:48:31+00:00February 24th, 2009|

Issue 3 – 2008

Issue 3 – 2008 This issue of IE News includes several interesting reports. We can mention an important workshop that took place in Honduras. This is an initiative within the framework of the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy and again reinforces the importance of work together with our partners, the WHO and ILAE. You are going to be delighted with a real masterpiece prepared by our Past President Philip Lee in an article that focuses on working with the media. It is of maximum importance to have guidance about how to use the opportunity of getting access to the media and the best form of doing that in order that our message is positive and clear. Issue 3 - 2008 We include news about the elections of the International Executive Committee for the term 2009-2013 and the list of those nominated. In addition, there are reports from our recent Regional Congresses in Montevideo and Marseille; news from EPICURE; as well as important news articles sent by our Members around the world, including the US, Australia, UK and India. Finally we have news of the activities of our President Susanne Lund, and of course her President’s column. Click here to download the newsletter.

2017-02-18T11:48:29+00:00January 5th, 2009|

Issue 2 – 2008

Issue 2 – 2008: In this issue there is an important article about Ghana in a report prepared by Emilio Perucca. There is also the positive news of Australia’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities together with an article on a new research study on the impact of epilepsy, which Carol Ireland has submitted. Furthermore, after two successful rounds of funding, IBE is pleased to launch the third round of Promising Strategies funding. With the next International Epilepsy Congress already in preparation, this issue carries preliminary information on the IBE Volunteer Award, which will be presented during the General Assembly in Budapest. Issue 2 - 2008 There also is news from the Regional Committees, including a report from Latin America. Finally, with the iminent elections for both the International Executive Committee and the Regional Executive Committees, this issue describes the process involved. Click here to download the newsletter.

2017-02-18T11:48:27+00:00January 4th, 2009|

Issue 1 – 2008

Issue 1 – 2008. This issue of the magazine has reports on and news about the activities of IBE Members in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Lithuania, New Zealand, Ireland and Uganda. There is a very interesting article on the high incidence of epilepsy caused by neurocysticerosis in much of Africa. Neurocysticercosis is a prevalent, serious and preventable disease that is a consequence of deficiencies in hygiene and sanitation in developing countries and is a cause of symptomatic focal epilepsy that can lead to death. Issue 1 - 2008 There also is a report from the 7th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress that took place in Xiamen, China in May together with the photo gallery from the meeting. Finally there is a report of the first meeting of the Regional Executive Committee Eastern Mediterranean. Click here to download the newsletter.

2017-02-18T11:48:25+00:00January 5th, 2008|

Issue 4 – 2007

Issue 4 – 2007 gives details of the six projects that have been selected to receive support under the Promising Strategies Program for 2008. Furthermore, there are reports on the International Executive Committee meeting held in Brussels, together with updates from several regional committees including Africa, Europe and Latin America. There also is a very interesting article by Dr Athanasios Covanis from Greece on the important subject of photosensitivity and how to manage it. And finally, there is a report on China to mark the occasion of the congress in Xiamen. Click here to download the newsletter. We need your feedback! In order to identify ways to improve the quality of IBE’s International Epilepsy News magazine the Editor, Dr Carlos Acevedo, has invited all readers of the newsletter to take part in a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire has 10 multiple choice questions and should take no longer than 2 to 3 minutes to complete and submit. No personal details are required, but your views and comments are welcome. Issue 4 - 2007 To submit the form, please press the Submit button at the end of the questionnaire. Do not try to save the file to your computer as the fields you [...]

2017-02-18T11:48:24+00:00October 11th, 2007|
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