EU Parliament Announces Approval of Written Declaration on Epilepsy – September 15, 2011

WRITTEN DECLARATION ON EPILEPSY SUPPORTED BY 459 MEPs We are delighted to announce that the European Written Declaration on Epilepsy has passed, with its approval announced during the plenary session in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg yesterday (Thursday 15th September). In order to have a written declaration approved, a majority of the 768 elected MEPs (i.e. 369 MEPs) must sign it within a tight time limit. When the declaration closed for signatures it had received 90 more signatures than was required for approval. With the signatures of 459 MEPs supporting the declaration, it has the third highest number of signatures of all disease related declarations since 2004 – which are the earliest available records.   This great achievement is thanks to the IBE members and ILAE chapter associations in Europe who diligently and repeatedly contacted their local MEPs to encourage them to sign. Particular thanks are due to those who were able to travel to Strasbourg and Brussels to meet with MEPs during the monthly plenary sessions, to talk to them about epilepsy issues and the declaration itself: Christian Elger (Germany); Mike Glynn (Ireland); Astrid Nehlig (France); Guido Rubboli (Italy); Wim van Paesschen (Belgium), Hanneke de Boer (Netherlands) and [...]

2017-02-18T11:53:12+00:00May 2nd, 2013|

Stand Up For Epilepsy : Photographic Exhibition 2013

During February 2013, an exhibition of 45 images from the Stand Up For Epilepsy Photography project was mounted in a prominent position in the parliament. The images, from countries all over the world, feature famous international and Olympic sports people, including Usain Bolt, photographed with people with epilepsy – some of whom are sports people in their own right. To view larger images, please click on the photograph ...

2016-05-03T20:09:17+00:00March 6th, 2013|

Results of Election of Members of the International Executive Committee for the term 2013-2017

We are pleased to report the Results of the Election of Members of the International Executive Committee for the coming term 2013 - 2017 which commences 26th June 2013.     Elected Candidates PRESIDENT: Athanasios Covanis, Greece                   SECRETARY GENERAL: Sari Tervonen, Finland                   TREASURER: Robert Cole, Australia                   VP AFRICA: Anthony Zimba, Zambia                   VP EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN: Najib Kissani, Morocco                    VP EUROPE: Janet Mifsud, Malta                   VP LATIN AMERICA: Lilia Nuňez, Mexico                   VP NORTH AMERICA: Philip Gattone, USA                   VP SOUTH EAST ASIA: MM Mehndiratta, India                   VP WESTERN PACIFIC: Ding Ding, China                   IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Mike Glynn, Ireland                 The Election Task Force would like to thank all those [...]

2017-02-18T11:52:55+00:00February 7th, 2013|

About Epilepsy Advocacy Europe (EAE)

Joint Task Force of ILAE and IBE in Europe Mission: to enhance public awareness and support to research in epilepsy in Europe. EAE seeks to make epilepsy a priority in political and research establishments across Europe. EAE Members Mike Glynn - Co-chair Emilio Perucca - Co-chair Michel Baulac Hanneke de Boer Christian Elger Reetta Kälviäinen Janet Mifsud Asla Pitkänen

2016-04-28T21:54:21+00:00September 20th, 2012|

Notice to all Members

Results of Election of Members of the International Executive Committee for the term 2013-2017   We are pleased to report the Results of the Election of Members of the International Executive Committee for the coming term 2013 - 2017 which commences 26th June 2013. To review full details of number of eligible voters, turnout and the total number of votes cast and percentage share of the ballot for each candidate CLICK HERE Elected Candidates   PRESIDENT: Athanasios Covanis, Greece             SECRETARY GENERAL: Sari Tervonen, Finland             TREASURER: Robert Cole, Australia             VP AFRICA: Anthony Zimba, Zambia              VP EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN: Najib Kissani, Morocco             VP EUROPE:  Janet Mifsud, Malta              VP LATIN AMERICA: Lilia Nuňez, Mexico             VP NORTH AMERICA: Philip Gattone, USA             VP SOUTH EAST ASIS: MM Mehndiratta, India             VP WESTERN PACIFIC: Ding Ding, China              IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Mike Glynn, Ireland         The Election Task Force would like to [...]

2017-02-18T11:52:20+00:00September 17th, 2012|

Promising Strategies Introduction

Background The International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) is committed to finding new and innovative solutions to the problems impacting people with epilepsy and their families world-wide. As part of this commitment, IBE is providing a limited amount of financial support to IBE member organizations on a competitive basis for initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for people with epilepsy in developing nations. Definition of a Promising Strategy A Promising Strategy is one that has the potential to foster effective and innovative public health practice with regard to epilepsy. Ideally, a Promising Strategy contains many of the following: Is based on measurable, realistic, and time specific objectives Is need-based and data-driven Is innovative and represents the development of new solutions to common problems impacting people with epilepsy and their families Establishes a strategy that makes a difference in improving accessibility to accurate, timely, necessary and culturally appropriate information and/or services Demonstrates a sustainable effect in the community where it is being implemented Has the potential for replication of positive results if the program is implemented in a similar environment with a similar target population as its original pilot demonstration Is a strategy that can be used to generate policies and [...]

2017-02-18T11:51:17+00:00July 25th, 2012|

Epilepsy in Bangladesh

It is estimated that there are at least 1.5 to 2.0 million epilepsy patients in Bangladesh. Epidemiological study was conducted at Epilepsy Clinic, Neurology foundation Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and a total of 2200 patients were included. Causes for treatment failure include improper compliance, Incorrect diagnosis, Inappropriate drug, dose & duration, and lastly Refractory epilepsy. Causes for non compliance N 428 (20%) include Non-affordability of drugs , Unavailability of drugs , inadequate Knowledge and attitude, Lack of counseling, Adverse effects of drug, Social factors. Conclusions Epilepsy is a common health problem in Bangladesh. 30-40% of patients are still treated by traditional healer. Superstitious belief is a stigmata in the community. The most common cause of non compliance is cost of drug. 50-60% patients remain symptoms free with 4 common drugs. Recommendations Community awareness is needed to reduce the burden of the disease. Training of GP & internist is necessary for appropriate approach. National guideline for treatment of epilepsy is needed. Community based clinic needed to treat the epileptic patient in rural areas.

2016-04-28T23:26:52+00:00December 15th, 2011|

Informe sobre la Epilepsia en Latinoamérica

Clíc aquí para descargar el Informe sobre la Epilepsia en Latinoamérica Este informe es un documento técnico sobre la situación de la epilepsia a nivel regional de las Américas, que fue promovido por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, el Departamento de Salud Mental y Abuso de Sustancias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia (ILAE) y el Buró Internacional para la Epilepsia (IBE). El informe fue coordinado por el Dr. Carlos Acevedo. La revisión técnica fue realizada por el Dr. Víctor Aparicio Basauri, asesor subregional de salud mental, para Centroamérica, Caribe hispano, México (OPS/OMS). La edición fue promovida por el proyecto de salud mental, discapacidad y rehabilitación de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Departamento de Salud Mental y Abuso de Sustancias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud . Clíc aquí para descargar el Informe sobre la Epilepsia en Latinoamérica

2017-02-18T11:51:13+00:00November 30th, 2011|

Epilepsy in the Eastern Mediterranean Region – Bridging the gap

Click here to download this report. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders and knows no geographical, racial or social boundaries. It can begin at any age, but is most frequently diagnosed in children, adolescents and the elderly. Epilepsy provides the finest example of a neurological disorder for which cost-effective treatment is available. Up to 70% of people with this condition could live productive and fulfilling lives, free from seizures, if appropriately diagnosed and treated. Yet epilepsy continues to take a heavy toll on those who suffer from the condition. The cost of epilepsy is by no means restricted to the individuals suffering from the condition but also extends to their families. The costs are not only the direct costs of providing care and services but also indirect costs in terms of lost opportunities and productivity. Furthermore the imperceptible costs of stigma and discrimination add immeasurably to the physical, psychological, social and economic consequences of individuals and their families. One of the common consequences of discrimination and the associated stigma, is that patients and their families do not seek treatment even when it is available, accessible and affordable. Since its launch in 1997 by ILAE, IBE and WHO, the [...]

2017-02-18T11:51:11+00:00November 30th, 2011|

African Region: Bridging the gap

Click here to download this report. Epilepsy is responsible for an enormous amount of suffering. On the African continent it affects 10.000.000 people directly. They are of all ages, but especially within childhood, adolescence and the ageing population. Epilepsy provides the clearest example of a neurological disorder for which effective and costefficient treatment is available. Recent studies both in the developing and in the developed world revealed that if properly treated up to 70% of people with this condition could live productive and fulfilling lives, free from seizures. Yet in developing countries up to 90% of the people who have this condition, and sometimes even more, are excluded from care and consequently remain in the shadow of this treatment gap. One of the reasons for this is that in many parts of the world there is a grave social stigma attached to epilepsy. People believe that epilepsy is contagious and hesitate to help or touch the person who has fallen during a seizure. The stigma of epilepsy also has a great influence on the education of children and young people. The solutions to these problems are too complex to be solved by individual organizations. Therefore the three most important international organizations [...]

2017-02-18T11:51:06+00:00November 30th, 2011|
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