Epilepsy and Employment: a guide for workers and employers
Epilepsy and Employment: a guide for workers and employers A guidebook on epilepsy and employment, geared at people with epilepsy and their employers, has been published in Australia by Epilepsy ACT. The publication was launched at the Australian Capital Territorys Legislative Assembly in May 2011, with Senator Gary Humphries acting as Master of Ceremonies and Minister Joy Burch introducing the publication. The publication has been well received by Australian politicians and by people with epilepsy and their carers. Prior to publication, the document was checked by five lawyers and was also reviewed by a focus group of persons with epilepsy. While the publication will undoubtedly be of interest to people with epilepsy globally, please note that any reference to legislation refers to Australian law only and is likely to be different in other countries. We would like to thank Jacinta Cummins and her colleagues at Epilepsy ACT for sharing the document with us. Click here to download Epilepsy and the Workplace: a guide for workers and employers.