Epilepsy and Employment: a guide for workers and employers

Epilepsy and Employment: a guide for workers and employers A guidebook on epilepsy and employment, geared at people with epilepsy and their employers, has been published in Australia by Epilepsy ACT. The publication was launched at the Australian Capital Territory’s Legislative Assembly in May 2011, with Senator Gary Humphries acting as Master of Ceremonies and Minister Joy Burch introducing the publication. The publication has been well received by Australian politicians and by people with epilepsy and their carers. Prior to publication, the document was checked by five lawyers and was also reviewed by a focus group of persons with epilepsy. While the publication will undoubtedly be of interest to people with epilepsy globally, please note that any reference to legislation refers to Australian law only and is likely to be different in other countries. We would like to thank Jacinta Cummins and her colleagues at Epilepsy ACT for sharing the document with us. Click here to download Epilepsy and the Workplace: a guide for workers and employers.

2017-02-18T11:50:37+00:00June 14th, 2011|

Two new associate members join IBE!

IBE is delighted to announce that two new members have joined the organisation. National Society for Epilepsy (United Kingdom) is a new associate member in the European Region, which brings the number of members to 35 Full Members and 18 Associate Members in this region. Epilepsy Association ACT Inc (Australia) has joined as an associate member bringing the number of Associate Members to 7 in the Western Pacific region in addition to 10 Full Members. IBE wishes these new members every success in the future.

2016-05-03T20:14:36+00:00February 22nd, 2010|

New associate member in Europe!

IBE would like to welcome our new Associatel Member in the European region: National Society for Epilepsy (United Kingdom) This brings the number of members in European region to 35 Full Members and 18 Associate Members. IBE wishes this new member every success in the future.

2016-05-03T20:14:52+00:00February 15th, 2010|

Indian Epilepsy Association Programs

The Indian Epilepsy Association, which was founded in 1971, has conducted valuable programs for the benefit of people with epilepsy. For more information about these programs, please click here.

2017-02-18T11:48:54+00:00July 21st, 2009|

Promising Strategies Program

Background The International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) is committed to finding new and innovative solutions to the problems impacting people with epilepsy and their families world-wide. As part of this commitment, IBE is providing a limited amount of financial support to IBE member organizations on a competitive basis for initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for people with epilepsy in developing nations. Definition of a Promising Strategy A Promising Strategy is one that has the potential to foster effective and innovative public health practice with regard to epilepsy. Ideally, a Promising Strategy contains many of the following: Is based on measurable, realistic, and time specific objectives Is need-based and data-driven Is innovative and represents the development of new solutions to common problems impacting people with epilepsy and their families Establishes a strategy that makes a difference in improving accessibility to accurate, timely, necessary and culturally appropriate information and/or services Demonstrates a sustainable effect in the community where it is being implemented Has the potential for replication of positive results if the program is implemented in a similar environment with a similar target population as its original pilot demonstration Is a strategy that can be used to generate policies and [...]

2016-10-20T16:43:24+00:00May 28th, 2008|
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