IBE Africa Annual Report 2020
Greetings to all; As the Vice President of IBE Africa we want to thank you all for your continued support that you give our team as the African Regional Executive Committee as well as persons with epilepsy. Although in 2020 we were threatened by COVID-19, work continued, and we managed to reach more people together and form new partnerships. We really work so hard indeed to adapt new ways of doing work. A special mention and vote of thanks to our team of Mr. Youssouf Noormamode C.S.K, and Madam Betty Barbara Nsachilwa who devoted all they could to ensure we remain afloat, despite the challenges and all our chapters who have been loyal to raise the flag of persons with epilepsy in Africa. AREC has been working from home at times and working with members online. We are extremely proud of all our loyal members who have been learning new skills to join in. We endeavored to ensure that no person with epilepsy was left out. We are incredibly grateful for the continued support that we are receiving from Band Foundation and now we have three streams of funding to our chapters. New additional chapters than the traditional ones have [...]