Epilepsy specific information
IBE and ILAE Joint Statement on COVID-19 vaccines and people with epilepsy
Socioeconomic problems of COVID-19 on persons with epilepsy in Cameroon
A report by Kenneth Nsom, Director of CODEF, an IBE Associate Chapter in Cameroon
The effects of COVID-19 – A report from SUDEP Action
SUDEP Action has launched three research projects to understand the impact of COVID-19 on people with epilepsy and their carers, healthcare workers, and on those bereaved by epilepsy
Keeping people with epilepsy safe during the Covid 19 pandemic
To be published in full in the journal Neurology in due course. Authors include IBE President, Martin Brodie.
Surviving Covid 19 from a psychological perspective
Professor Gus A. Baker and Professor Steven Kemp, on behalf of the IBE
COVID-19 information for people with epilepsy and their families
ILAE – Resources available in 10 languages
ERN EpiCARE Recommendations on COVID-19 and Epilepsy
Resources available in 7 languages
Epilepsy and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs
Epilepsy Society
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and epilepsy
Epilepsy Action (UK)
Concerns About COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Epilepsy
Epilepsy Foundation
Latest Coronavirus Guidance for Children and Adults with Dravet Syndrome
Dravet Syndrome UK (March 24. 2020)
Survey (Spanish) on Confinement and Epilepsy
ANPE Epilepsia
CoronaVirus (COVID-19) and Epilepy
Caritas Malta
COVID-19 information
Epilepsy South Africa
Corona und Epilepsie (German)
Interessenvereinigung für Anfallskranke in Koeln EV, Germany
Centro Nacional de Epilepsia (Ecuador) Webinar Series
Saturday 8 May: Participation of the Ecuadorian delegations of ICNA, IBE, OIPR.
Webinar: Affective – emotional – relational difficulties in the child with ADHD
Saturday 22 May: Participation of the Ecuadorian delegations of ICNA, IBE, OIPR.
Conference: The psychomotricity key for the emotional regulation of the
Contact Galo Pesantez here for registration information.
Information from International Health Authorities
World Health Organisation (WHO) Situation Reports
FDA Webpage for Patients and Caregivers with COVID-19 Information
European Medicines Agency – news, information and updates
European Academy of Neurology – EANcore CoVID-19
European Patients Forum (EPF) COVID-19 Resource Point
Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Global Dashboard (includes Recoveries)
NORD (National Organisation for Rare Diseases) COVID-19 Resources Centre
WHO Information Network for Epidemics (EPI-WIN) – Webinar schedule
Personal Stories
How have those living with epilepsy and their carers been affected by Covid-19?
– ILAE Survey for Patients and Caregivers
The International League Against Epilepsy is looking for your help in rolling out a survey to determine the impact of COVID-19 on people with epilepsy, and their carers. The survey has been developed by a task force whose membership includes Peter Murphy, Chief Executive Officer of Epilepsy Ireland, IBE’s chapter in Ireland. Peter represents the voice of the person with epilepsy and their care providers on the task force.
You can find the survey here.
– University of Oxford three part survey
The IBE African Regional Executive Committee is working in the collaboration with Oxford University/John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, UK in carrying out an Epilepsy/COVID-19 Survey. The survey is in three parts to study the impact of COVID-19 on three cohorts: people with epilepsy, their carer providers, and healthcare workers.
- Survey for people with epilepsy
- Survey for carers of people with epilepsy
- Survey for health care workers
– University of Antwerp, Belgium (survey in English and French)
This survey is organised by an international consortium of scientists from Asia, Africa, South America, United States and Europe. The protocol and questionnaire is largely based on the citizen science Corona survey first launched in Belgium by the University of Antwerp in March and which is repeated every Tuesday throughout the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium.
Share your COVID-19 story
Dear Friends, It is now more than six months since the world began to hear about COVID-19 and four months since the first country in Europe, Italy, announced lockdown in its bid to fight the virus. Less than three weeks later, our countries – Scotland and Ireland - entered lockdown. Since then, the pandemic has quickly spread westwards and now, as Europe begins to come back to normal, the Americas [...]
Message from the IBE President (April 27, 2020)
Dear Friends, It has been just a month since I last wrote to bring you the news on some of the changes being introduced by IBE due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At that time, I mentioned that 2 million people had been affected around the world, with 135,000 deaths. In a matter of just four weeks, those numbers have risen by 50% with few real signs of an early exit [...]
Message from the IBE President (March 26, 2020)
Dear Friends, When I wrote my last message to you for IE News, the world was in a very different place. Since then, everything has changed. We have watched in horror as first China and then most of the rest of the world has been invaded by COVID 19, a virus to which none of us has immunity. As I write, close to half a million people worldwide have been [...]