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What Matters To Young People With Epilepsy? Insights From the Global Youth Summit 2023 Report

IBE - International Epilepsy Support

IBE - International Epilepsy Support

The International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), in collaboration with Epilepsy Ireland, Young Epilepsy (UK), and Epilepsy Connections (Scotland, UK), brought 27 young people with epilepsy together in Dublin, Ireland, for a Global Youth Summit as part of the 35th International Epilepsy Congress.

The summit took place over 2.5 days, bringing together a group of young people aged 19–36 from ten countries, including the UK (England and Scotland), Ireland, Germany, Uganda, El Salvador, Chile, the United States, Canada, and Australia. Participants engaged in interactive workshops, discussions, and networking events, delving into topics such as healthcare access, education, employment, and social inclusion.

The release of the Global Youth Summit Report 2023 not only documents the outcomes of the summit but also serves as a catalyst for action and change. It calls upon stakeholders to heed the voices of young people with epilepsy, engage them as partners in decision-making processes, and work towards building a more inclusive and supportive society for all.

Speaking about the summit, IBE President, Francesca Sofia, said “I am continually impressed and encouraged by the young people with epilepsy who, despite the challenges they face, embrace these opportunities to share their experiences, learn from one another and inspire our wider community, Change does not happen overnight, and so it is imperative that we listen to, and act upon, the viewpoints of our youth; whose tomorrows we are aiming to transform.”

Among the key findings presented in the Global Youth Summit Report are the urgent need for improved epilepsy education and awareness programs, accessible healthcare services tailored to the needs of young patients, and measures to combat stigma and discrimination in educational and employment settings. Additionally, the report highlights the importance of fostering peer support networks and promoting self-advocacy skills among young people with epilepsy, empowering them to take charge of their health and well-being.

About IBE’s Youth Programme

Working with young people with epilepsy is a key focus for the IBE. The launch of our new strategic plan in 2022 has reinvigorated our dedication to this demographic. In partnership with the IBE Global Youth Team, our objective is to broaden and refresh the IBE Youth Network. This revitalized network seeks to uncover novel ways to connect with and assist young people living with epilepsy around the globe, fostering their development as advocates for the cause.

Explore the IBE Youth Programme

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