IBE - International Epilepsy SupportMaking Epilepsy a Health Priority in Africa – WHA Resolutions 68:20

Youths with Epilepsy across Africa Speak Out!

Join us for our monthly Webinar series!

Date: 20th October, 2020
Time: 2:00pm Nairobi time – 1:00pm Pretoria time
Moderator: Action Amos, Vice President Africa, International Bureau for Epilepsy

To register and receive a webinar link please email [email protected]

IBE - International Epilepsy Support


Panel Discussion (30 mins): Why the Global Epilepsy Plan matters for Youths with Epilepsy in Africa?

Moderator: Comfort Mussa, Cameroon, IBE Epilepsy Journalise Award Winner 2014

• Gresham Africa, WHA Program Coordinator, Epilepsy South Africa
• Shakira Nasuuna, Board Member, Epilepsy Support Association, Uganda (ESAU)
• Sharon Mbugua, Kenya Association for the Welfare of People with Epilepsy (KAWE)

Petition (20 mins): Youths with Epilepsy Petition to 24 Ministers of Health and Parliamentary Health

Committees in Africa to support the World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution 68:20


• Chantelle Kanyabutembo, Rwanda – Swahili/French
• Bessong Takang Eyong Obasi Praise, Cameronn – English
• Felix Joao, Mozambique – Portugese