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IE News: Issue 1 – 2015

IE News- Issue 1 – 2015

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In this issue

IE News: Issue 1 – 2015

Dear Readers

It’s been a great few months and, although there have been long hours spent in preparation by IBE and ILAE at leadership level and by IBE and ILAE member associations right around the world, we are now enjoying some fantastic success.

First up was approval by the WHO Executive Board of a resolution on epilepsy on Monday 2nd February. This was a landmark day and you can read all about the resolution, the procedures involved in its approval, as well as what happens next, in this issue.

Exactly one week later, on Monday 9th February, we celebrated the first International Epilepsy Day. There is always trepidation when a new initiative is introduced but there was no need to fear – the event was embraced by IBE and ILAE members, by people with an interest in epilepsy, and by all those willing to support the cause.  Social media was buzzing and by Tuesday 10th February we found that the hashtag #epilepsyday had appeared on more than 22 million devices and was ‘trending’ in Ireland! Our cover shows one brave man in Spain who took our #epilepsyday photo idea to the outer limits. Anyone for a Moon Walk next year?

This issue also announces the worthy recipients selected to receive the biennial congress awards in Istanbul in September. And these are just some of the news contained between the covers of this issue.


Until next time –

Ann Little

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