Welcome To Our E-Learning Series
Through our IBE-INVOLVE Initiative, we will be bringing you a number of e-Learning modules. The aim of these modules is to equip epilepsy advocates and organisations to meaningfully engage in activities such as policy-making, awareness-raising, research and development, medical education and more.
If you have any questions or comments on Series 1 or the wider IBE-INVOLVE Initiative, please contact: [email protected]
Instructions For Watching Videos
- Begin by ensuring you have a stable internet connection, a compatible device, and a web browser.
- Click on the play button to start a video. To view the video in full-screen mode click on the icon highlighted in the image below.
- As the video plays, you can adjust the video’s volume, using the volume button available on the video player.

Series 1: Health Diplomacy
The IBE eLearning Series on Health Diplomacy consists of five modules that provide learners with a deeper understanding of health diplomacy in the context of epilepsy advocacy. Specifically, you will learn about health diplomacy and policy advocacy, the role of relevant global actors like the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), and how to make good use of existing policy frameworks like the WHO Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP), the Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and the WHO Epilepsy Technical Brief. Learners who complete the full course and associated multiple choice quiz will receive an official IBE Health Diplomacy Certificate.
Watch Series 1
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Series 2: Communication Skills
Coming Soon!
To effectively advocate for a cause, strong communication skills are crucial. This e-learning course is designed to teach you how to communicate your message to a variety of audiences, such as policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public. You will learn to tailor your message to your audience, use persuasive language and techniques, and establish a connection with your listeners.
In this course, we will cover a diverse range of communication skills, including public speaking, online presentation skills, creating impactful video messages, and mastering the art of storytelling. With these skills, you will be better equipped to engage your audience and deliver your message effectively.