International Epilepsy Day AND Valentine’s Day!
Monday, February 14, 2022
In 2022 International Epilepsy Day will takes place on Monday, February 14 – a day celebrated in many parts of the world as Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day is a day when it is traditional to show love for one another so let’s take this opportunity to show our love for the epilepsy community around the world!
To help celebrate the day, we have created a selection of resources that you can use, including posters and graphics for social media.
Template files are available so that you can edit these resources and translate them into your own language.
If you are a member of a group or organisation and are planning to hold an Epilepsy Day event we would love to hear about it. Share your event information with us and we’ll add it to the internationalepilepsyday.org website’s calendar of international events.