requires them to do it differently.
In the Mauritius story we meet two women who have achieved in their chosen fields; our follow up report on the Golden Light Award from Bali introduces two young women from Taiwan and China; while Edmund Cheong Henh Yew from Malaysia writes
about his hero mother.
The issue could also be considered an African Special because of the number of articles focussed on the region. Or, yet again, an EpilepsyNext Special, because we report on events organised with young adults in mind.
We also bring you news of a video competition to celebrate International Epilepsy Day 2019 – we encourage everyone to take part!
Finally, on a sad note, we bring news of Augustine Mugarura’s untimely death. Many in IBE will remember him with great fondness and be saddened at his passing.
Despite this final sad note, I wish you pleasant reading.
Ann Little