IE News : Special Issue Celebrating International Epilepsy Day 2015
Events for International Epilepsy Day are now happening all around the globe. We are delighted to bring you this special issue of IE News to commemorate International Epilepsy Day. In order to highlight that this is a combined effort of IBE and ILAE, for the first [...]
New website for International Epilepsy Day is launched (International Epilepsy Day 2015) IBE and ILAE are delighted to announce that the new website for International Epilepsy Day is launched. Events are taking place around the world to mark the first International Epilepsy Day. Visit the site to see just some of the events and activities that are [...]
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Launches 3rd Call for Proposals
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2 has just launched its 3rd call for proposals. The first topic on the call is titled RADAR: Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse programme, which is exploring ways to ensure that the healthcare system moves from a ‘diagnose and treat’ stance [...]
Global epilepsy community : grants available
The Epilepsy Foundation supports a series of grants and fellowships to advance the understanding of epilepsy that will lead to better treatment, more effective prevention, and ultimately to a cure. Funding is available to researchers at all professional levels including students, junior investigators and established investigators. [...]
Established in 1961, the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) is an international organisation for national epilepsy organisations (IBE chapters) that exists to provide support for a strong global network, encourage the development of new chapters in underserved areas of the world, and to encourage communication and collaboration among all members so as to meet our mission and vision.
Our members are patient/family focused and driven organisations and we work collaboratively with our professional and government partners worldwide.
Our strategic priorities are to ensure that epilepsy is
recognised as a health priority worldwide; that the human and civil rights of people with epilepsy are enhanced and protected wherever they might live; that people with epilepsy are empowered to maximise quality of life; and that research into prevention, treatment, care and consequences of epilepsy are promoted.
We work to achieve these priorities through a range of programs including:
- Public Information and Health Education
- Advocacy
- International Best Practice Exchange
- Helping Build Communities of Care
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What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is one of the most common serious diseases affecting more than 50 million people globally. There are many difference causes for epilepsy including genetic disposition, head trauma or brain tumour.

Epilepsy affects almost every aspect in the life of the person diagnosed with the disease. For many people with epilepsy, the stigma attached to the disease is more difficult to deal with than the disease itself.

People with epilepsy have a 3-6 times greater risk of premature death. Many of the deaths from epilepsy could be prevented with appropriate medication and treatment.