Election Task Force
Objectives The Task Force will, inter alia :- be responsible for managing and administering the election process in all of the IBE’s elections; issue notice of an election and call for the nomination of candidates [...]
IE News : Congress Issue (10th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress)
The 10th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress took place from 7th August 2014 to 10th August 2014. This edition of IE News was published specially for the Congress. In This Issue : Congress Issue (10th Asian [...]
IE News: Issue 1 – 2014
Download Issue 1 - 2014 CLICK HERE In This Issue: IE News: Issue 1 – 2014 CAPE TOWN 2014 Looking back on a great congress INTERNATIONAL EPILEPSY DAY IS ANNOUNCED! International Epilepsy Day, a joint [...]