Professor Samuel Berkovic : awarded Companion in the Order of Australia (2014)
[raw] [one_third][/one_third] [two_third last] The International Bureau for Epilepsy are delighted to offer their warmest congratulation to Professor Samuel Berkovic upon his appointment - Companion in the Order of Australia. In the Australian honours system appointments [...]
mhGAP Newsletter December 2013
WHO Responds To Mental Health In Emergencies IN THIS ISSUE WHO responds to mental health in emergencies Partners commit to Mental Health Action Plan G8 Summit on Dementia: No time to waste mhGAP training can change lives Epilepsy: Treat it. [...]
IE News: Issue 3 – 2013
In This Issue: IE News: Issue 3 – 2013 Caravans for epilepsy Charlie - the gentle giant 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee for South East Asia 63rd session of the Who Regional Committee for Europe [...]