Regional Publications2017-11-16T10:53:34+00:00

JM Financial Foundation Partners With Samman Association To Treat Patients In Rural Bihar, India

 Reported by Carol D’SouzaSamman Association (Indian Epilepsy Association, Mumbai Chapter) has been looking after epilepsy patients in rural areas since 2007. Our work in this regard started with clinics in Pen, a village nearer to [...]

Announcing Call For Art Entries For IBE Epilepsy & Society Virtual Symposium during 14th AOEC Congress

We are delighted to announce a call for entries for the art exhibition at AOEC on the theme of "Stigma." The call is open to everyone of any age, including people with epilepsy and [...]

Advocate’s Toolkit for Reducing Epilepsy Stigma in Africa

Dear Friends, This toolkit is a milestone in IBE’s commitment to empower people with epilepsy. It recognises that stigma is a major barrier preventing social inclusion and access to health care and treatment for [...]

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