A step closer to a Global Action Plan on Epilepsy
IBE applauds the final draft of the 10 year intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders. The draft - available here - will now be discussed at a meeting of the Executive [...]
International Epilepsy Day – Share a little love!
International Epilepsy Day AND Valentine's Day! Monday, February 14, 2022 In 2022 International Epilepsy Day will takes place on Monday, February 14 - a day celebrated in many parts of the world as Valentine's [...]
50 Million Steps for Epilepsy – 2022 Campaign
The #50MillionSteps campaign is back!The 50 Million Steps for Epilepsy campaign launched in 2021, with great success. Our target of seeing a step taken for each person living with epilepsy in the world was smashed, [...]