Elizabeth Dueweke, USA – IBE Golden Light Award Winner 2019
Searching for the Right Story By Elizabeth B. Dueweke At 18, my future felt certain. I was going to study at Smith College and become a journalist. I loved to meet people and tell their [...]
Amirsoheil Pirayeshfar, Iran – IBE Golden Light Award Winner 2019
Amirsoheyl Pirayeshfar Amirsoheyl Pirayeshfar has had a very successful career in the field of polymer science specialising in nano biotechnology. Perhaps it is not too surprising that Amirsoheyl chose this profession as his father was [...]
Australian Coalition Government commits$20M to people living with epilepsy
The Australian Coalition Government will commit $20M over four years to support people living with epilepsy, Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, announced on Saturday. The funding will enable the expanded delivery of a range of [...]