International Epilepsy Day Video Competition Results
As part of our International Epilepsy Day celebrations for 2019, we invited you to enter a video competition. The competition, open to everyone, had two categories: My Personal Story and Educational Video. Winning videos have [...]
Epilepsy Africa News – Issue 16
Chairperson & Editor’s message This is the 16th issue of Epilepsy Africa newsletter. In 2018 we published 11 issues, then we took the decision to publish once in two months. In this report you will [...]
As Easy As Drinking a Glass of Milk – Italian campaign sees epilepsy information printed on milk cartons
The Italian League Against Epilepsy (LICE) and Italian Association Against Epilepsy - Veneto (AICE) have launched an initiative that aims to increase public understanding of epilepsy, with the hope that it will be replicated in [...]