EPI-Focus Issue 12 – Newsletter of the IBE European Regional Executive Committee (EREC)
Message from the Chair: We are happy to present the latest issue of Epifocus, the magazine from and for the European Chapters of IBE. This issue is packed with articles from a.o. Germany, Malta, Norway, [...]
Epilepsy Africa News – Issue 11
Chairperson & Editor’s message Welcome to the 11th issue of Epilepsy Africa newsletter. In this newslletter you will find information about two funding opportunities: The Advocacy Project funded by BAND Foudnation and the promising Strategies [...]
Epilepsy Africa News – Issue 10
Chairperson & Editor’s message This is the 10th issue of Epilepsy Africa newsletter. In this report you will find information about projects that were submitted by young people with epilepsy. You will also find reports [...]