Approval of the Epilepsy Resolution by the World Health Assembly: A Historical Landmark
[Pictured from Left to Right] Athanasios Covanis - President IBE, Shekhar Saxena -WHO, Shichuo Li (China), Brooke Short - WHO, Ann Little, Executive Director IBE (Ireland), Mary Secco, IBE (Canada), Tarun Dua - WHO, Emilio Perucca [...]
Children with epilepsy – families tell their stories
Children with epilepsy – families tell their stories” are four films recently published by The Norwegian Epilepsy Association. The films are made by Elisabeth Aspelin og Halvor Nittteberg. They are film producers and parents to [...]
IE News: Issue 1 – 2015
Download IE News : CLICK HERE In this issue IE News: Issue 1 – 2015 Dear Readers It's been a great few months and, although there have been long hours spent in preparation by IBE [...]