“Selfies” from around the world
Social media played a huge role worldwide in getting the epilepsy awareness message out to the public. On February 9th there was a worldwide effort to get #epilepsyday to trend on Twitter and other social media sites. By using [...]
World Health Organization (WHO) and Epilepsy
Left to Right: Athanosis Covanis (IBE President), Shekhar Saxena and Tarun Dua, WHO, Emilo Perucca (ILAE President) A total of 28 countries presented statements in support of the resolution; 20 of these were [...]
Press Release : Launching International Epilepsy Day (International Epilepsy Day 2015)
65 MILLION people around the world live with epilepsy International Epilepsy Day will launch around the world on Monday 9 February 2015. Organised by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against [...]