IE News : Special Issue Celebrating International Epilepsy Day 2015
Events for International Epilepsy Day are now happening all around the globe. We are delighted to bring you this special issue of IE News to commemorate International Epilepsy Day. In order to highlight that this [...]
New website for International Epilepsy Day is launched (International Epilepsy Day 2015) IBE and ILAE are delighted to announce that the new website for International Epilepsy Day is launched. Events are taking place around the world to mark the first International Epilepsy Day. Visit the site [...]
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Launches 3rd Call for Proposals
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2 has just launched its 3rd call for proposals. The first topic on the call is titled RADAR: Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse programme, which is exploring ways to ensure [...]