Chair: Denise Chapman, Australia
Vice Chair: Frank Gouveia, New Zealand
Secretary: Yuan Fu Tseng, Taiwan
Ex-Officio: Ding Ding, China (VP Western Pacific)
The Regional Executive Committee for the Western Pacific Region consists of the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, all of whom have been elected by the Full Members in the Western Pacific Region. In addition, the Vice President Western Pacific on the International Executive Committee is an ex-officio voting member of the Regional Executive Committee and acts as a liaison point between the International and Regional Committees. IBE President, Secretary General and Treasurer are also ex-officio non-voting members of this committee.
The pupose of the Regional Executive Committee is to facilitate joint activities in the region and to arrange regular meetings of the Regional Committee.
Full details of the objectives and responsibilities of this committee can be found in the Terms of Reference of the Regional Committee Western Pacific.