Left to Right: Athanosis Covanis (IBE President), Shekhar Saxena and Tarun Dua, WHO, Emilo Perucca (ILAE President)
A total of 28 countries presented statements in support of the resolution; 20 of these were members of the WHO Executive Board.
The Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO/OMS) unanimously approved a resolution in support of improving epilepsy care and research at its Executive Board Meeting on Monday 2nd February 2015.
The resolution – Global burden of epilepsy and the need for coordinated action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications – was formally sponsored by People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, Maldives, Argentina, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan and Panama. A total of 28 countries presented statements in support of the resolution; 20 of these were members of the WHO Executive Board.
The next step in the process will take place in May when the resolution will be presented at the WHO General Assembly in Geneva in May for final approval. Once approved it will become formal policy of the WHO so that the fight against epilepsy becomes a global effort.
Please help us in making sure that this resolution succeeds by encouraging your national governments to support and co-sponsor the resolution at the WHO Assembly in May.